10 commandments of Persuasive Alchemy

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Happy Wednesday! Welcome back to Persuasive Alchemy.

I’m Jim Hamilton. My writing has contributed to $30,000,000+ in client sales across health, biz opp, and B2B.

I share actionable tips to help you get clients with content & copywriting.

What is Persuasive Alchemy?

It’s not coaching.
It’s not consulting.
It’s not copywriting.
It’s not content writing.

Instead, it’s about integrating all of the above to create more freedom in your life.

But what sets it apart isn’t just the tactics…

It’s the guiding principles behind them.

So today, I’m revealing the 10 commandments of Persuasive Alchemy.

Let’s dive in.

Reading time: 3 minutes and 14 seconds

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1) “Yeah, but…” isn’t in our vocabulary

Find someone who has what you want.

Then do what they say.

Don’t ask for advice then say “yeah, but that won’t work for me because…”

Nothing happens until something moves.

Look for a way in, not a way out.

2) You never know until you test it

Marketing doesn’t always make sense.

I once ran a split-test on a sales page where removing all testimonials increased conversions.

Conventional advice plays well on social media.

But applying it in the real world requires nuance and context.

Maintain an open mind at all times.

3) Treat everything as an experiment

Jeff Bezos is a master decision maker.

One of his secrets is looking for two-way doors, aka decisions that are easily reversible.

Same thing goes for Persuasive Alchemists.

Almost everything in an expert-based business is a two-way door:

  • Offers

  • Funnels

  • Messaging

  • Etc

If you’re unsure about something, try it out anyway.

If you hate it or it doesn’t work out, you can always revert back later.

4) Done is better than perfect

Design matters.

But if it doesn’t convert in black and white, sexy branding won’t fix it.

Prioritize going live over making it look pretty.

Perfection is the enemy of progress.

5) Instincts develop with data

Top performers rely on instincts to make good decisions.

But you’re not born with instincts.

You develop them with data.

Before you put a theory to the test, ask how you’ll measure it.

6) Your personality is persuasive

Results matter.

But experts are a dime a dozen.

What sets you apart isn’t the outcome you provide.

It’s your personality.

- Quirks
- Values
- Hobbies
- Interests
- Favorite GIFs
- Etc

Who you are beyond your expertise is a powerful tool in your persuasive arsenal.

Don’t be afraid to use it.

People buy coaches, not coaching.

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7) Templates can only take you so far

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel in the beginning.

Copying proven formats & structures will get you quick wins.

And momentum is everything in business.

But learning how to write original content & copy is non-negotiable if you want to earn a life-changing income online.

Templates are where you start, not where you finish.

8) Optimize for all buying windows

Not everyone is ready to buy right away.

And that’s okay.

By integrating content & copywriting with a high-ticket offer, you can serve both groups.

Those who are ready to buy and those who aren’t.

Optimize your business to win whether it takes someone 5 minutes or 5 months to convert.

9) Obsess over creating demand, not value

If you give all your secrets away for free, you’re not running a business.

You’re running a charity.

This is why Persuasive Alchemists obsess over creating demand.

Not value.

One supports your dream lifestyle while the other keeps you in the poor house.

This doesn’t mean avoiding organic.

It means getting clear on the boundary between what’s free vs what’s paid.

10) It may not be your fault, but it is your responsibility

Anyone can be victimized by external forces:

- Algorithms
- Ad platforms
- The economy
- Payment processors
- Etc etc

But being a victim is a choice.

It doesn’t matter whether you caused the problem or not.

It your job to do something about it.

Putting It All Together

10 commandments of Persuasive Alchemy:

1) “Yeah, but…” isn’t in our vocabulary
2) You never know until you test it
3) Treat everything as an experiment
4) Done is better than perfect
5) Instincts develop with data
6) Your personality is persuasive
7) Templates can only take you so far
8) Optimize for all buying windows
9) Obsess over creating demand, not value
10) It may not be your fault, but it is your responsibility

That’s it.

Thanks for reading!

See you next time.

Jim Hamilton


If you vibe with this, then you’ll likely feel right at home inside the new Persuasive Alchemists community I’m launching.

I’m still ironing out the details…

But I’ll likely be ready to open the doors in early May.

Super excited about it.

More to come very soon :)

Whenever you’re ready, here’s 4 ways I can help you:

  1. Follow me on LinkedIn: I share daily tips on content, copywriting, getting clients, and building a creator business.

  2. Read Inbound Client Flywheel. Inside, you’ll discover how I’m getting 1-2 new clients per month with content & copywriting. No cold DMs or sales calls.

  3. Get 15-Minute Customer Avatars. Use these 15 prompts to generate a laser-targeted customer avatar for any niche without looking at a single Amazon review or Reddit thread.

  4. Get my Beehiiv affiliate offer: Sign up for Beehiiv using my link and you’ll get access to my Newsletter Crash Course + a free 30-minute newsletter consult with me ($250 value).