3 pillars of email marketing for coaches & consultants

Happy Wednesday! Welcome back to Persuasive Alchemy.

I’m Jim Hamilton. My writing has contributed to $30,000,000+ in client sales across health, biz opp, and B2B.

I share actionable tips to help you get clients with content & copywriting.

If you’re a coach or consultant, you’ve probably heard this before:

“The money’s in the list.”

And it’s true.

Your email list can be a consistent cash-producing asset.

But the problem is, most people don’t know how to extract the money out of their email list.

And asking nicely ain’t gonna cut it.

So today, I’m revealing the 3 pillars of email marketing for coaches & consultants.

If you want to maximize how much money you make from your email list…

This is your blueprint.

Let’s dive in.

Reading time: 1 minute and 50 seconds

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1) Sequences

These are automated series of emails delivered at specific times.

Such as:

- When someone joins your newsletter
- After someone books a sales call
- After someone becomes a client

Their objective can be indoctrination, like in the case of a welcome sequence…

Pre-selling, in the case of a sales call sequence…

Or conversion, in the case of an upsell sequence.

How to get started:

Create a welcome sequence for new subscribers.

This should introduce your origin story, method or unique worldview.

2) Broadcasts

These are one-off emails broadcasted out to your list.

Such as:

- Newsletters
- Promotions
- Announcements

Broadcasts are the primary fuel that keeps your email engine going.

The more often you mail, the more you’ll sell.

How to get started:

Send out a newsletter at least once per week that includes a mix of:

- Storytelling
- Content
- Sales

Read this article for more on how to write email newsletters.

POLL: Do you have a welcome sequence?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

3) Trigger Emails

These are standalone automated emails triggered by specific behaviors.

Such as:

- Clicking a link
- Opening an email
- Visiting a specific webpage

Think of them like retargeting ads…

Except in your email inbox instead of in your Instagram feed.

They perform so well because you’re reaching the person while they’re actively in their inbox.

How to get started:

Map out all the different conversion points in your funnel.

- Watching your VSL
- Filling out an application
- Booking a sales call
- Etc etc

Then install trigger emails to retarget subscribers who fail to complete each action.

Putting It All Together

3 pillars of email marketing for coaches & consultants:

1) Sequences
2) Broadcasts
3) Trigger emails

Implement all three if you want to make more money from your email list.

That’s it.

Thanks for reading!

See you next time.

Jim Hamilton

Whenever you’re ready, here’s 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Follow me on LinkedIn: I share daily tips on content, copywriting, getting clients, and building a creator business.

  2. Get 15-Minute Customer Avatars. Use these 15 AI prompts to generate a laser-targeted customer avatar for any niche without looking at a single Amazon review or Reddit thread.

  3. Get my Beehiiv affiliate offer: Sign up for Beehiiv using my link and you’ll get access to my Newsletter Crash Course + a free 30-minute newsletter consult with me ($250 value).