7-figure client commits cardinal sin

Funny story:

We recently took on a new client at Needle’s Eye Media, the agency where I work as Head of Strategy.

For context, she did over 7-figures in total revenue last year…

But has been stuck spending $10-$20k/m on ads and unable to scale…

And due to some bizarre tech & funnel issues…

(that we were unwittingly responsible for)

Things actually got worse in the ad account after we took over.

As in, performance tanked.


Now, in the midst of a mad scramble to fix the issues…

We dug into her email marketing…

And discovered that wasn’t sending ANY emails to her list of 150,000+ subscribers.

Imagine that.

A 7-figure business owner who doesn’t email their list.

Even if she was earning just $0.50 per subscriber per month…

(a conservative benchmark for most expert-based businesses)

That’d still net her a cool $75,000 per month.

More than enough to offset any temporary ad troubles.

So naturally, we’re helping her correct this cardinal sin and flesh out a broadcast email strategy to start monetizing all those subscribers ASAP.

And luckily, we’ve also turned things around inside the ad account.

Rocket Ship Protocol has been initiated.

But the point is this:

Sometimes, you fail to see what’s right in front of you.

Even if the solution is “obvious.”

This is why it pays to get help.

Especially if you’re serious about growing.

Because the right outside perspective can yield answers that compress time and make you (a lot) more money.


I’m gearing up to launch the new Persuasive Alchemists community very soon.

This is where I’ll be personally helping a small group of ambitious creators build their client businesses.

Our goal is to validate your high-ticket offer with organic traffic first…

Then use paid ads to scale it, slowly but steadily….

So you can stop relying on the whims of the algorithm…

And start enjoying an inbound flywheel that runs on autopilot.

I’ll be building right alongside you & sharing everything I learn as I do it.

If that sounds interesting…

I have started a waitlist.

There are now 15 people on it.

I’ll only be opening up a few slots at launch…

So if you’d like the chance to claim one for yourself before I open it up to the rest of my email list…

Reply “COMMUNITY” to this email.

Jim Hamilton