Important lesson for anyone seeking to cultivate influence online

Your audience can smell BS.

So if you’re a coach, consultant or expert…

You have to lead yourself before you can lead others.

Otherwise, they’ll sniff out your hypocrisy from a mile away.

For example:

Every three months, I do a “quarterly reset.”

This involves:

- 2 weeks with no alcohol
- And a 72-hour fast

I finished the latest one this past weekend.

As someone who loves to drink and eat, this is never easy.

But health is a core value for me.

Not only do I care about optimizing my physical, mental & emotional wellbeing…

I also believe it’s crucial to performance in business.

Yet if I expect my followers, subscribers & clients to adopt this mindset…

I have to embody it first.

In other words, I can’t simply tell you the way…

I must show you the way.

And you must do the same for your people.

Because if you can’t keep your own promises to yourself…

How can you expect other people to do the same?


Building an audience is about leadership.

That’s literally what it means to have followers.

Some food for thought as you seek to cultivate influence…

Jim Hamilton