Why the rules of social media growth are invisible to some (and not others)

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I met with a LinkedIn creator on Friday.

He’s grown from 2k to almost 30k followers in less than 2 months.

Not half bad 🙃

So naturally, I asked him about what’s driving all that growth.

He started by listing out all the usual suspects:

- Super broad topics
- Replying to all comments
- Visually pleasing infographics
- Etc etc

Now, we met in a paid engagement group.

So I also had to ask:

“Are you paying anyone else to engage with your content?”

The answer:

Of course he is.

As are many of the other big and fast-growing creators on the platform.

Which is what I expected.

But my point is this:

The view from the inside is always different than the view from the outside.

And no matter what game you’re playing…

The only way to find out how to win is to learn from others who are taking it seriously.

If you tried to come up with your own hypothesis for how to win on LinkedIn…

Without speaking privately with some of the people who are doing it…

You’d likely end up way off the mark.

The “rules of the game” are invisible from the outside.


For the past few months, I’ve been investing thousands of dollars into my personal brand.

This includes a full time assistant…

A handful of software tools…

As well as some paid engagement.

Not to mention all my own time & energy spent cranking out more content than a Chinese shoe factory. 

In other words, I’m taking the game seriously.

And I’ll be sharing all my juiciest content & audience growth insights exclusively with the folks inside my soon-to-be-launching community.

So if you’re an ambitious creator who’s looking to grow your organic audience…

And convert those followers into engaged subscribers & happy clients…

Without having to chase down ice cold prospects…

So you can earn a life-changing income from your email list…

Working just 4-6 hours a day…

Then stay tuned for more details :)

Jim Hamilton