this company sold for $525 million… now they’re stealing MY playbook?

One of my trusted sources for center-ish news is:


They’re a media company that launched in 2016.

I like their daily newsletter because it’s basically just punchy bullets.

Very easy to digest.

And not too skewed one way or the other politically.

Anyway, two years ago, they sold for $525 million.

I’ve always felt they had a keen eye for how to win as a digital media company in the 21st century…

So I couldn’t help but notice this in a recent Digiday article:

As you can see…

Axios and other big media companies have begun pivoting heavily towards a more personality-driven approach.

And treating their star journalists more like creators.


Because of a key observation:

In the age of AI, personality is the ultimate differentiator.

Anyone can spit out how-to content or condense a news article into a few bullets these days.

That doesn’t make you special.

But the one thing ChatGPT can’t generate out of thin air is personality.

As all these large language models get better…

As the internet becomes more crowded with creators fighting for your audience’s attention…

And as the cost to acquire a customer keeps climbing…

Personality is your edge.

It is the antidote to all of the above.

This is why I’m so bullish on using personality-driven content to build your client business in 2024.

A strategy I’m thankfully well-versed in…

Having written 1,000+ personality-driven emails for myself and clients over the years.

In fact, I’m tickled to see so many big players acknowledging its effectiveness…

And I’m excited to explore it further in my new Persuasive Alchemists community.

The doors open for the first time on Tuesday.

Inside, I’ll be personally helping a small group of ambitious creators build their client businesses.

Our goal is to validate your high-ticket offer with organic traffic first…

(if you haven’t already done so, that is)

Then use paid ads to scale it, slowly but steadily….

So you can stop relying on the whims of the algorithm…

And start enjoying an inbound flywheel that runs on autopilot.

I’ll be building right alongside you & sharing everything I learn as I do it.

If that sounds interesting…

I have started a waitlist.

There are 18 people on it right now.

I’ll only be opening up a few slots at launch…

So if you’d like the chance to claim one for yourself…

Reply “COMMUNITY” to this email.

You’ll get first crack at one of the available slots before the doors officially open on Tuesday.

But of course, it’ll be first come, first serve.

So I recommend you act quickly if you’re so inclined ;)

Jim Hamilton


I got a killer client testimonial this week.

It’s from Justin Moore, the founder & CEO of Creator Wizard.

Justin is an amazing entrepreneur and creator for whom I have immense respect.

So I was very proud to get this video from him.

Anyway, if you’re curious to see what he said to say about working with me…